traditional natural therapies with modern science.
Holistic approach to health that emphasizes the body’s innate ability to heal itself.
Naturopathy focuses on prevention, treatment, and promoting optimal health by encouraging the body’s healing mechanisms.
natural healing power is incredible
— Unlock it with us! 🌿
Healing Power of Nature
Naturopathy believes in the body's ability to establish, maintain, and restore health. The practitioner's role is to identify and remove obstacles to recovery, facilitating natural healing.
Identify and Treat the Cause
Rather than merely addressing symptoms, naturopaths seek to identify and treat the underlying cause of disease.
First, Do No Harm
Naturopathic treatments are non-invasive and aim to minimize harmful side effects.
Doctor as Teacher
Naturopaths educate patients on healthy living and encourage self-responsibility for health.
Treat the Whole Person
Naturopathy takes a holistic approach, addressing physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and environmental aspects of health.
Naturopathy focuses on disease prevention through promoting a healthy lifestyle and reducing risk factors.
P. V. Narayana - Narayana Clinics!

I am P.V Narayana Managing Director of Narayana Clinics. I am having Nature Cure Clinics and Hospitals at Hyderabad.
I am having Doctors and staff to maintain good health for our patients with nature cure, Life style management. We are specialized in Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Siddha, Diet, Yoga and Meditation, Exercises techniques disease wise without side effect . We can reversal or control or normalise any disease from origin / root cause of disease within shortest period of time possible.
We can treat any body part disease from head to foot. We have 15 years experience in medical field. We have Research centre for all most all diseases. We have symptom based treatment also. We can treat most of the diseases with less treatment safe ways and means. Your expenses will come minimal than any other Clinic or Hospital. We have developed our medicines and treatment techniques disease wise. We can treat any disease which many clinics or Hospitals can not do.
in Treatment
For infection treatment no need for surgeries, antibiotics, steroids or pain killers. We treat it with simple organic herbal medicine which was tested for many years and manages complete body infections. Complete Lung , throat, Nose or Ear or Eye or brain, blood infections removed without surgeries . Our organic medicines can be taken for prevention of diseases also in future and also remove present/existing diseases. We have good references for our treatment. Patients come without diseases. We can give training to have disease free life.
Patients meet us in the early stage of disease. We can treat your diseases faster without complications with minimal expenses. We do not use synthetic chemical based drugs, we use herbal organic drugs. We have our own manufacturing unit in Hyderabad.
We can give remedies to remove tensions, fear etc which control diseases through the brain. You can control your brain with our techniques to have a stable mind and peaceful brain. If you have a lack of peace of mind, your brain creates diseases.
Constipation, Piles, Fistula, Colon, Urine, Migrain, Kidney problems we have developed techniques to cure permanently without medicines to have a better life.
Diabru is a registered Trademark which controls sugar, and give Immunity , energy / stamina to have a better life. There are no harmful chemicals. We have used mostly herbals like Aswagandha , Shilajit which give energy to the body and develop immunity to protect organs and no other Allopathy medicine can give this benefit. Diabru is a proven drug with no side effects and no complications. Our drugs have Neem, Karela, Guduchi, Methi, Jamun, Haldi, Gudmar, Bael to maintain sugar level properly. It has Brahmi to have controls on the body through the brain.
Stressbru is a registered Trademark which controls blood pressure, cholesterol , and gives Immunity / energy / stamina to have a better life. There are no harmful chemicals. We have used mostly herbals. There are no side effects. This drug is having Arjun which will open the blocks in the heart. It has Aswagandha and shilajit which give immunity and strength to the heart and also better sleep . Stressbru is a proven drug with no side effects.
Energybru is a registered Trademark which gives immunity , energy / stamina to have a better life. There are no harmful chemicals. We have used mostly herbals.
Constibru is a registered Trademark which controls constipation, piles, fistula, and gives energy / stamina to have a better life. There are no harmful chemicals. We have used mostly herbals. Our drug has Triphala which gives better digestion and keeps away constipation.
Other diseases herbal medicines have already developed and tested and successfully completed human trials which are under registration of patent, Trademark, license approvals etc pending.
registered Trademark
Narayana Clinics invented Migrane Treatment
- We Narayana Clinics invented Migrane treatment within a shortest period of time once for all.
- We Narayana Clinics invented dental treatment to avoid mouth infections, cavity decay, mouth cleanliness etc simple for children to elders. And we invented eyes treatment to avoid headaches, specs can be avoided permanently, can read letters easily. We also invented treatment for ear discharge cure permanently without surgeries.
- Sugar patients can eat all seasonal fruits within 3 to 6 months without sugar complications.
- Our sugar patient can eat rice, wheat chapati also with our medicines.
- Our medicine has immunity to all diseases.